Astral Travel and Spiritual Experiences

Dive into novel spiritual experiences – experience your inner light, with our Astral Travel and Spiritual Experiences Group Darkness Retreat.

Spending a lengthy period in the darkness is a very special experience, as this form of spiritual meditation intensifies our personal and spiritual development. Symbolically, the darkness is like a mirror covered by a veil of external stimuli during our day-to-day lives. The darkness makes this veil invisible and paves the way for deep inner processes, as well as experiencing the astral worlds with our physical eyes and ears.

I would like to provide a group of up to 12 people with the opportunity to experience an exceptionally intense time. Open up to the darkness and accept it as a guru who will lead you back to yourself. I will assist you during this process.

Your group will retreat to the darkness for a period of ten days. During this time, I will offer daily support while working with you on an energetic level, in order to help you make exceptional spiritual experiences. We will recite mantras together and learn about various methods of eliciting astral travel.

Due to the powerful effects of Darkness Retreats, the pre-Buddhist bön religion describes this practice as the ‚royal road to meditation‘. In my opinion, Darkness Retreats are the primordial way to enlightenment. After being in the dark for some time, the inner light becomes physically visible. Because of these special qualities and potentials, being able to rely on intensive support is of the utmost importance. This is exactly what I will provide for your group.

During a Darkness Retreat, you will have the opportunity to have various spiritual experiences: At first, you will experience a deeper sense of self, before returning to your inner core and observing your mental processes. Far removed from the stresses of daily life and separated from visual sensations, these experiences have the necessary space to unfold. Sensations of primal sound and light, visitations by spirit entities, the deceased, light beings or forces of nature also become possible. Other common experiences include sensing the void, death experiences, reincarnation experiences, sensing a second body (the energy body), astral travel and other out-of-body experiences.

Nutrition also plays an important role during Darkness Retreats, as this is a time to detoxify your emotions, your faith and your body, consequently. For those who want to keep eating, I offer high-grade organic raw food. Alternatively, you may also choose to go on a fast during your retreat, of course.

The price for a 10-day Darkness Retreat amounts to €1.980 (including 3 wholesome smoothies per day) in a single room.

Bring a friend, share your room with him and you will both get 25% discount on the retreat.

Group Darkness Retreats focusing on astral travel & self-awareness take place at our retreat centre ‚Quelle der Kraft‘ (Source of Power) in Sasbachwalden, Germany. Your can find out more about our retreat centre HERE.

Please use our booking form for your registration. Make sure to select the correct dates and also the group option.

We will gladly schedule a phone call in order to answer any remaining questions you might have.


  • For More Infos please contact us in Sasbachwalden