Intensive darkness retreat women’s group

In many cultures, women have always connected in circles to strengthen each other. Experience for yourself how we open in the women’s group a sacred space in the darkness retreat. In this space you can exchange ideas among women and feel female support for your processes. With selected powerful mantras and energy processes we build together wonderful and strong spiritual energies. Through the power of darkness, these energies are further strengthened.

To accept yourself as a woman completely with all the femininity you have brought with you is an important basis for your fulfilled life and that of your family. Recognizing that as a woman you belong to the strong sex. Because when a woman awakens her full spiritual power, she is also a great healer for this planet.

Through the years of oppression of the woman, you may have forgotten your original spiritual power. Every woman has an enormous creative power within her and even has an additional chakra which she can use for material as well as spiritual growth. Therefore, women are naturally created to build up to twelve times more energy with spiritual practice than men. Even in India, the knowledge that women are able to build many times more energy with spiritual practice than men is sometimes kept secret. This makes it all the more important to remember your power and share the secrets of feminine spirituality.

We were all born from the belly of a woman. When we let go of thoughts and feelings of competition between women, we automatically stop fighting ourselves.

Receiving is the female principle. It is not always easy to break out of old energies and thought patterns and fully realize one’s own spiritual potential. Within the safe framework of the women’s group, soul healings and awakening processes become easy. Be part of the holy circle of women, let yourself be nourished and awaken.

The price for the 10-day darkness retreat in the women’s group is 1.980 € (including 3x daily rich smoothies) in a single room. 

Bring a friend, share your room with him and you will both get 25% discount on the retreat.

There is currently no new date for the women’s group. Place of the retreat is the seminar house Quelle der Kraft – Spiritbalance Sadhana Ashram in Sasbachwalden, Germany. Make sure to select the correct dates and also the group option.

We would be happy to have a personal telephone conversation with you in advance to clarify any open questions.